If you’re here from one of my older carrds, I promise you I am not like that anymore

elly / el or the other two

hello!!! Im elI like touhou. i also like WTC series, rpgmaker games, kirby, puyo puyo, popn, pokemon, slentytubbies, yn+fgs, skullgirls, and some valve games like gmod tf2 and portalmisc interests include rain, sukusuku hakutakus, yukkuris, old web stuff (2000-2013) and art!

hi ! im elly / el
you can also call me snoodle or keenie
I really like touhou project. I also like skullgirls, rpgmaker, higurashi, kirby, puyo puyo, pop’n music, alchemy stars, tf2, umineko, gmod, slendytubbies, yumenikki + fgs and kemono friends. Occasional roblox posts.Misc interests include nicetacks art, mokokene, cookie☆ shipping in general, sukusuku hakutakus, yukkuris, old web stuff (2000-2012) and the rain. i am NOT one of those cookie fans, I like the MADs and I like the silly characters.please ask to follow if you’re under 13! You can interact but i’d like it if you ask first.
proship do not talk to me at all
instagram twitter pixiv tumblr (inactive usually)tiktok: momoyohimemushi (because people keep thinking i’m stealing my own art..?)

spam1 (MOST ACTIVE!) spam2 discord : scarlet#9459 roblox
I’m deactivated everywhere right now which is why my links dont work. I’m still here!
I love to make friends and talk to people! i’m not good at it and i usually reply late, but i’m always open to making friends. i usually message first and i’m sorry if i ask repetitive questions / am annoying you, I just want to talk.Please msg me before addign me on roblox otherwise I won’t accept
extra stage

Welcome to…
The extra stage!

Doubles are alright for all except for ones in bold, you can still interact but i’m a bit iffy is all
I kin :: keine kamishirasawa, bloody marie (skullgirls), flandre scarlet, remilia scarlet, satori komeiji, ib, kkhta koishi, hata no kokoro, patchouli knowledge, elly (pc98) & ushiromiya maria!
My touhou favs: Nue Houjuu, tenshi hinanawi, sanae kochiya, rumia, kisume, yuyuko saigyouji, momoyo himemushi , fujiwara no mokou and all of my kins.My non touhou favs are: Fukua, rena ryuugu, mary ib, monoe, misao, kanon matsubara, HSI / HISUI cookie, hanyuu, hibiki (kancolle), sniper, soldier, pyro and medic (tf2), angry munci (tha silly gmod nextbot) and takatsuki yayoi. I’m not an idolmaster fan, but i think she’s is a total QT! aswell as hibiki.back

umm. people still kin in 2022 right… oh well! heres my kinlistI kin keine kamishirasawa, bloody marie (sg), remilia scarlet, kkhta koishi, hata no kokoro, patchouli knowledge, elly (pc98 touhou), flandre scarlet and satori komeiji!My favorite characters are nue houjuu, fukua, rena ryuugu, fujiwara no mokou, tenshi hinanawi, sanae kochiya, sniper soldier pyro & medic (tf2), angry munci the GOOFSTER, kisume and plenty more !! I love when people send me (SFW WTFREAK) pictures of these googity gooers.